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Wolfgang Fortner
Country of origin:
October 12, 1907
Date of death:
September 5, 1987
About Wolfgang Fortner
Wolfgang Fortner was born in Leipzig on 12 October 1907. He learnt piano and organ at school and attended many concerts at the Leipzig Konzertverein which exclusively performed contemporary music. In 1927, Fortner began to study composition with Hermann Grabner and organ with Karl Straube at the Leipzig Conservatoire. At the same time, he studied musicology with Theodor Kroyer as well as philosophy and German philology at the University of Leipzig; in 1931, he qualified as a teacher and took a position at lecturing in composition and music theory at the Evangelisches Kirchenmusikalisches Institut in Heidelberg where he taught intermittently until 1954. He then served as a professor of composition at the Detmold Nordwestdeutsche Musikakademie until 1957 and at the Freiburg Staatliche Hochschule für Musik from 1957 until 1973, setting up the Institute for New Music there in 1964. Another important station of his extensive teaching activities was the Darmstadt International Summer Course for New Music, founded in 1946, over which Fortner had considerable influence until the late fifties.
As one of the most important composition teachers in post-war Germany and as a result of his numerous international guest lectures, Fortner had a strong influence on a younger generation of composers. Among his pupils were Hans Werner Henze, Milko Kelemen, Rudolf Kelterborn, Arghyris Kounadis, Nam June Paik, Robert HP Platz, Rolf Riehm, Wolfgang Rihm, Manfred Stahnke, Wilfried Steinbrenner, Hans Zender, and Bernd Alois Zimmermann.
In 1935 Fortner founded the Heidelberg Chamber Orchestra and in conjunction with South German Radio set up the concert series musica viva in 1947. He succeeded Karl Amadeus Hartmann in becoming director of the musica viva concerts of the Bavarian Radio in Munich, and together with Ernst Thomas ran the series until 1978.
In 1950 Wolfgang Fortner was appointed a member of GEMA’s advisory board. In 1955 he became a member of the Berlin Academy of the Arts, and a year later a member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. In addition, he served for 14 years (1957-71) as president of the German section of the International Society for New Music. In 1975, the German Dramatists' Union, Germany's oldest writers' federation, elected him president.
As early as 1929, whilst still a student, Fortner concluded a contract for Die vier marianischen Antiphonen which marked the beginning of his professional relationship with Schott. His opera Bluthochzeit after Federico García Lorca (world premiere in Cologne in 1957) became one of the most successful operas after 1945. Fortner's development as a composer ranges from the beginnings of neoclassicism via the application of serial techniques, the incorporation of structures of the medieval isorhythmical motet (Machaut-Balladen, 1973), jazz elements (e.g. in Mouvements, 1953) or orchestral improvisations (In seinem Garten liebt Don Perlimplín Belisa, Elisabeth Tudor) to his last opera That Time after Samuel Beckett (world premiere in Baden-Baden in 1977) in which he used live electronics.
The ballet Carmen-Bizet-Collagen was written by Fortner (in collaboration with Wilfried Steinbrenner) in 1970, based on an idea by the director of the Stuttgart Ballet, John Cranco, who had been inspired to write the libretto by the conciseness of rhythm of Fortner's music.
For his artistic œuvre and his commitment to political and cultural issues, Fortner received numerous honours and awards, including the Schreker Prize of Berlin in 1948, the Spohr Prize of Braunschweig in 1953, the Great Arts Award of North Rhine-Westphalia in 1955, as well as the Bach Prize of Hamburg in 1960, and the Reinhold Schneider Prize of Freiburg in 1977. On the occasion of his 70th anniversary in 1977, he was awarded the Grand Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and honorary doctorates by the universities of Heidelberg and Freiburg. Furthermore, he was given the Golden Needle of the Dramatists' Union and the Richard Benz Medal of Heidelberg.
Wolfgang Fortner died in Heidelberg on 5 September 1987.
As one of the most important composition teachers in post-war Germany and as a result of his numerous international guest lectures, Fortner had a strong influence on a younger generation of composers. Among his pupils were Hans Werner Henze, Milko Kelemen, Rudolf Kelterborn, Arghyris Kounadis, Nam June Paik, Robert HP Platz, Rolf Riehm, Wolfgang Rihm, Manfred Stahnke, Wilfried Steinbrenner, Hans Zender, and Bernd Alois Zimmermann.
In 1935 Fortner founded the Heidelberg Chamber Orchestra and in conjunction with South German Radio set up the concert series musica viva in 1947. He succeeded Karl Amadeus Hartmann in becoming director of the musica viva concerts of the Bavarian Radio in Munich, and together with Ernst Thomas ran the series until 1978.
In 1950 Wolfgang Fortner was appointed a member of GEMA’s advisory board. In 1955 he became a member of the Berlin Academy of the Arts, and a year later a member of the Bavarian Academy of Fine Arts in Munich. In addition, he served for 14 years (1957-71) as president of the German section of the International Society for New Music. In 1975, the German Dramatists' Union, Germany's oldest writers' federation, elected him president.
As early as 1929, whilst still a student, Fortner concluded a contract for Die vier marianischen Antiphonen which marked the beginning of his professional relationship with Schott. His opera Bluthochzeit after Federico García Lorca (world premiere in Cologne in 1957) became one of the most successful operas after 1945. Fortner's development as a composer ranges from the beginnings of neoclassicism via the application of serial techniques, the incorporation of structures of the medieval isorhythmical motet (Machaut-Balladen, 1973), jazz elements (e.g. in Mouvements, 1953) or orchestral improvisations (In seinem Garten liebt Don Perlimplín Belisa, Elisabeth Tudor) to his last opera That Time after Samuel Beckett (world premiere in Baden-Baden in 1977) in which he used live electronics.
The ballet Carmen-Bizet-Collagen was written by Fortner (in collaboration with Wilfried Steinbrenner) in 1970, based on an idea by the director of the Stuttgart Ballet, John Cranco, who had been inspired to write the libretto by the conciseness of rhythm of Fortner's music.
For his artistic œuvre and his commitment to political and cultural issues, Fortner received numerous honours and awards, including the Schreker Prize of Berlin in 1948, the Spohr Prize of Braunschweig in 1953, the Great Arts Award of North Rhine-Westphalia in 1955, as well as the Bach Prize of Hamburg in 1960, and the Reinhold Schneider Prize of Freiburg in 1977. On the occasion of his 70th anniversary in 1977, he was awarded the Grand Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany and honorary doctorates by the universities of Heidelberg and Freiburg. Furthermore, he was given the Golden Needle of the Dramatists' Union and the Richard Benz Medal of Heidelberg.
Wolfgang Fortner died in Heidelberg on 5 September 1987.
Foto: H. Zemann
Foto: Peter Andersen
Foto: Strobel
Für hochauflösende Fotos kontaktieren Sie bitte:
am 12. Oktober wurde Wolfgang Fortner in Leipzig geboren; erste Kompositionen entstanden im Alter von neun Jahren; während der Schulzeit erhielt er Klavier- und Orgelunterricht
studierte Wolfgang Fortner am Konservatorium der Stadt Leipzig (Komposition bei Hermann Grabner, einem Schüler Max Regers und Orgel bei Karl Straube) und an der Universität Leipzig (Musikwissenschaften bei Theodor Kroyer, Philosophie bei Hans Driesch und Germanistik bei Hermann August Korff).
5. April: Mit dem Vertrag über die 1928 entstandenen "Vier Marianischen Antiphonen" für Chor und Orchester begann die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Schott-Verlag.
beendete Fortner das Studium mit dem Staatsexamen für das künstlerische Lehramt an Höheren Schulen. Unmittelbar im Anschluss wurde er als Dozent für Komposition und Musiktheorie an das neu errichtete Evangelische Kirchenmusikalische Institut der badischen Landeskirche in Heidelberg (heute: Hochschule für Kirchenmusik Heidelberg) verpflichtet, an dem er bis 1954, unterbrochen nur von kurzzeitigen Einberufungen in den Kriegsjahren, unterrichtete.
gründete Fortner das Heidelberger Kammerorchester
war Wolfgang Fortner zusammen mit Wolfgang Steinecke, dem damaligen Kulturreferenten und Leiter des Kulturamtes der Stadt Darmstadt, an der Gründung der "Kranichsteiner Ferienkurse für Neue Musik" (heute: "Internationale Ferienkurse für Neue Musik Darmstadt") aktiv beteiligt; bis in die späten 50er Jahre wirkte er dort als Dozent.
rief Wolfgang Fortner in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Süddeutschen Rundfunk in Heidelberg die Konzertreihe "musica viva" ins Leben.
Schreker-Preis der Stadt Berlin
berief ihn die GEMA (Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte) in den Beirat.
Spohr-Preis der Stadt Braunschweig
lehrte Wolfgang Fortner als Professor für Komposition an der Nordwestdeutschen Musikakademie Detmold.
ernannte ihn die Akademie der Künste, (West-)Berlin, Sektion Musik zu ihrem Mitglied; später übernahm er den Vorsitz der Sektion Musik.
Großer Kunstpreis des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen
wurde er in die Bayerische Akademie der Schönen Künste, München als Mitglied aufgenommen.
unterrichtete er als Professor für Komposition an der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik in Freiburg im Breisgau; 1964 richtete die Staatliche Hochschule für Musik auf seine Initiative hin das Institut für Neue Musik ein.
wirkte Wolfgang Fortner als Präsident der Deutschen Sektion der IGNM (Internationale Gesellschaft für Neue Musik) und arbeitete in verschiedenen Ausschüssen mit.
Bach-Preis der Freien und Hansestadt Hamburg (nach Paul Hindemith 1951, Philipp Jarnach 1954 und Boris Blacher 1957)
übernahm Wolfgang Fortner als Nachfolger von Karl Amadeus Hartmann die Leitung der "musica viva"-Konzerte in München; er betreute diese Konzertreihe des Bayerischen Rundfunks zusammen mit Ernst Thomas bis zum Jahr 1978.
ernannte ihn die Dramatiker-Union, Deutschlands ältester überregionaler Autorenverband (gegründet 1871 in Leipzig), zu ihrem Präsidenten.
Durch seine Lehrtätigkeit übte Wolfgang Fortner einen starken Einfluss auf die nachfolgende Komponistengeneration aus. Zu seinen Schülern gehören u.a. Hans Werner Henze, Rudolf Kelterborn, Gottfried Schnabel, Peter Westergaard, Friedhelm Döhl, Arghyris Kounadis, Nam June Paik, Robert HP Platz, Manfred Stahnke, Wilfried Steinbrenner und Hans Zender.
Gastdozenturen führten ihn u.a. nach Österreich, Térésopolis (Brasilien) und nach Tanglewood/Massachusetts, wo er Kurse mit dem Bostoner Symphonieorchester leitete.
Reinhold-Schneider-Preis der Stadt Freiburg im Breisgau
Ehrungen anlässlich des 70. Geburtstags 1977: Großes Verdienstkreuz mit Stern des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Ehrendoktortitel der Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg und der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg; Ehrenbürger der Staatlichen Hochschule für Musik Heidelberg-Mannheim; Richard-Benz-Medaille für Kunst und Wissenschaft der Stadt Heidelberg; Goldene Ehrennadel der Dramatiker-Union
am 5. September starb Wolfgang Fortner in Heidelberg. Sein Nachlass befindet sich in der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek München.
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Set of partsSeries: Edition Schott
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: String quartetProduct number: ED 3152Product TypeAs low as £28.50 -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Choral scoreSeries: Schott Choral Music
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: mixed choirProduct number: C 41856-04Product TypeAs low as £2.99 -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Set of partsSeries: 2. Streichquartett
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: String quartetProduct number: ED 3176£29.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Score and partsBrand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: violin, viola and celloProduct number: ED 7277£18.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Set of partsSeries: 3. Streichquartett
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: String quartetProduct number: ED 4120£20.50Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Study scoreSeries: 3. Streichquartett
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: String quartetProduct number: ED 4102£14.50Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Performing scoreBrand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: string quartetProduct number: ED 6663£20.50Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Music for Oboe and OrchestraComposer: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Piano reduction with solo partSeries: Oboe Library
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: oboe and orchestraProduct number: OBB 9Product TypeAs low as £14.50 -
Music for Oboe and OrchestraComposer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Study scoreSeries: Music Of Our Time
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: oboe and orchestraProduct number: ED 6312£24.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
from "Chant de naissance"Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Piano reduction with solo parts, Voice and Violin soloSeries: Berceuse Royale
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: soprano, solo-violin and string orchestraLanguage: FrenchProduct number: ED 4990Special Price £14.00 Regular Price £17.50Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Opera in Two Acts after the Play by Federico García LorcaComposer: Wolfgang FortnerText writer: Federico García LorcaInterpreter: Cornelia Berger | Banu Boeke | Annika Boos | Gregor Henze | Verena Hierholzer | Thomas Laske | Joslyn Rechter | Miriam Ritter | Dalia Schaechter | Stephan Ullrich | Ingeborg WolffStage director: Christian von GoetzConductor: Hilary GriffithsOrchestra/ensemble: Wuppertal Symphony OrchestraMedia Type: DVDEdition: DVD with 72-page bookletBrand: Wergo
Product number: MV 8075£24.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Zwischenspiele aus der lyrischen Tragödie von Federíco García LorcaComposer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Study scoreSeries: Bluthochzeit
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: large orchestraProduct number: ED 5032£18.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Lyrische Tragödie in 2 Akten (7 Bildern)Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicSeries: Bluthochzeit
Brand: Schott Music
Language: German, FrenchProduct number: ED 4934£51.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Lyrische Tragödie in 2 Akten (7 Bildern)Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: BookEdition: LibrettoSeries: Bluthochzeit
Brand: Schott Music
Language: German, FrenchProduct number: BN 3230-01£6.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Score and partsBrand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (also Piccolo), oboe and bassoonProduct number: ED 6935£20.50Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Piano reduction with solo partSeries: Konzert
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: cello and orchestraProduct number: ED 4343Special Price £19.19 Regular Price £23.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerSeries: Edition Schott
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: cello and pianoProduct number: ED 569Product TypeAs low as £11.60 -
Composer: Wolfgang FortnerSeries: Edition Schott
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: pianoProduct number: ED 2219Product TypeAs low as £11.99 -
Kantate nach Worten von Saint-John PerseComposer: Wolfgang FortnerMedia Type: Sheet musicEdition: Study scoreSeries: Chant de naissance
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: mixed choir (SSATB) with soprano solo, violin solo and orchestraLanguage: FrenchProduct number: ED 4598£30.99Not in stock, but can be ordered - usually despatched (or ready for collection) within 7 days -
"La tempesta di mare"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Piano reduction with solo partSeries: Edition Schott
Il Flauto traverso
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: FTR 79Product TypeAs low as £10.50 -
"La tempesta di mare"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: cello/double bassSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 125-14Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"La tempesta di mare"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violaSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 125-13Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"La tempesta di mare"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violin IISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 125-12Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"La tempesta di mare"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violin ISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 125-11Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"La tempesta di mare"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: Partitur, = harpsichord/pianoSeries: Edition Schott
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 125Product TypeAs low as £11.99 -
"La Notte"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Piano reduction with solo partSeries: Edition Schott
Il Flauto traverso
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: FTR 80Product TypeAs low as £10.50 -
"La Notte"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: cello/double bassSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 126-14Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"La Notte"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violaSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 126-13Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"La Notte"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violin IISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 126-12Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"La Notte"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violin ISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 126-11Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"La Notte"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: Partitur, = harpsichord/pianoSeries: Edition Schott
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 126Product TypeAs low as £11.99 -
"Il Cardellino"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Piano reduction with solo partSeries: Edition Schott
Il Flauto traverso
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: FTR 81Product TypeAs low as £10.50 -
"Il Cardellino"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: cello/double bassSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 127-14Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"Il Cardellino"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: violaSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 127-13Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"Il Cardellino"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: violin IISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 127-12Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"Il Cardellino"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: violin ISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 127-11Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
"Il Cardellino"Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Partitur, = harpsichord/pianoSeries: Edition Schott
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 127Product TypeAs low as £11.99 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Piano reduction with solo partSeries: Edition Schott
Il Flauto traverso
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: FTR 82Product TypeAs low as £10.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: cello/double bassSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 128-14Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violaSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 128-13Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violin IISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 128-12Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violin ISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 128-11Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: Partitur, = harpsichord/pianoSeries: Edition Schott
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 128Product TypeAs low as £11.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Piano reduction with solo partSeries: Edition Schott
Il Flauto traverso
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: FTR 83Product TypeAs low as £10.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: cello/double bassSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 129-14Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violaSeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 129-13Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violin IISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 129-12Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: violin ISeries: Antiqua
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 129-11Product TypeAs low as £3.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang Fortner | Walter KolnederEdition: Partitur, = harpsichord/pianoSeries: Edition Schott
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: ANT 129Product TypeAs low as £11.50 -
Composer: Antonio VivaldiEditor: Wolfgang FortnerEdition: Piano reduction with solo partSeries: Edition Schott
Il Flauto traverso
Brand: Schott Music
Instrumentation: flute (treble recorder), string orchestra and basso continuoProduct number: FTR 84Product TypeAs low as £10.50