Enjoy 25% off all publications from Schott Music, Boosey & Hawkes and Universal Edition, only at www.schottmusiclondon.com

+44 (0)20 7534 0710 -   We are open: Mon — Fri: 10:00 - 18:30 / Sat: 10:00 - 18:00

About Us

And our history in London

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"Schott Music London" is the music shop located at 48 Great Marlborough Street, London W1F 7BB – housed within the London offices of the international publisher, Schott Music.  Click here to view a map.

We offer the widest range of sheet music across all genres and all other music publishers – as well as rehearsal rooms (with pianos provided by Steinway), a performance/concert area (with seating for 40 people), and some instruments, CDs, gifts and accessories. We also pride ourselves on our knowledgeable, friendly and helpful staff.

Our shop has a long history: apart from some early years during the 1920s and 1930s when we were a general music shop, for most of our history we existed as a showroom focussing on Schott Music’s own publications; but since 2009 we’ve again become a full-blown music shop – and since then our stock levels, scope & variety, service and customer-base have all been continuously growing.  We’re now the "go-to" hub for the discerning customer.

SCHOTT MUSIC LTD – the publisher & its London history

Our founding company had its inception in 1770 (the same year as Beethoven’s birth!) and today still occupies its original building in Mainz, Germany.  But in 1835, Schott also established a London presence in St James’s, thereafter moving to 159 Regent Street before settling at 48 Great Marlborough Street in 1908.

It was Adam, son of the founder Bernhard Schott, who established our London offices, importing and selling editions and sheet music. Then in 1853, Schott London began publishing in its own right, and a royal warrant was granted in 1879. Charles Volkert became manager in 1881, expanding the company and the premises. He knew the famous composers of the day including Brahms, Gounod, Liszt, Von Bulow, and especially Wagner, who was by this time already published by our German offices, Schott Music GmbH & Co. And Volkert was later one of the founders of the Performing Rights Society in 1914.

When 48 Great Marlborough Street (an 18th Century house) was acquired in 1908, a warehouse was built in its garden for our trade and export departments. Schott was publishing some of Elgar's early salon pieces, including Salut d'Amour, and began its first major composer relationship, with Percy Grainger.

Today the London centre is one of the international offices of Schott Music, and also incorporates a music shop on its ground floor, selling sheet music from all publishers worldwide.

Schott Music also owns other distinguished and popular brands, including the Eulenburg edition. Eulenburg’s miniature scores catalogue is unrivalled in its comprehensive range, encompassing over 1,200 titles of chamber, orchestral, operatic and choral works. Reliability, high production values and customer-focus across every aspect of music publishing are the hallmarks of Schott Music, which now has centres in 9 countries. Music for all - from the youngest child and the enthusiastic amateur to the professional musician and international soloist - is at the heart of the Schott Music catalogue.

To go to our main Publisher website, click here:  schott-music.com/en/

Schott Music Ltd. (trading as Schott Music London)
48 Great Marlborough Street


Tel.: +44 (0)20 7534 0710
Fax: +44 (0)20 7534 0719
Email: shop@schottmusiclondon.com
Web: www.schottmusiclondon.com

Board of Directors: Dr. T. Sertl, P. Dyer, R. Garcia, R. Bowron
VAT No. GB 324 8537 91
Company No. 00196809 England