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  • Cantabile per archi / Botschaft / Musica Dolorosa / Symphonie 'Stimmen'
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Product number: WER 62202
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Product Details


Peteris Vasks was born in Aizpute, Latvia, the son of a church minister. He studied the double bass and composition in Riga and Vilnius, among others with Valentius Utkins, and was a member of various symphony and chamber orchestras. He currently is a free-lance composer living in Riga.
Among the works of Vasks, his compositions for string orchestra are of particular importance. With the help of several works scored for strings, the CD on hand imparts comprehensive knowledge of the development that Vasks has undergone since the last 70's.
Vasks wrote in the introduction to his symphony "Stimmen" [Voices]:
"At the end of 1990 I had begun to write the symphony. Then came January 1991. Blood was flowing in the streets of Latvia and Lithuania. Sleepless nights at the barricades. After all that, the new beginning was difficult. The symphony speaks of my essential, most meaningful themes. About life. About eternity. About conscience. I wrote it with love and faith."


Cantabile per archi
Vestijums lielam stigu orkestrim, divam klavierem un sitamajiem instrumentiem (Botschaft für Streichorchester, zwei Klaviere und Schlaginstrumente / Message for strings, percussion and two pianos)
Musica Dolorosa für Streichorchester (for strings)
Simfonija stigu orkestrim "Balsis" (Symphony for strings "Voices" / Symphonie für Streicher "Stimmen"): Klusuma balsis (Stimmen der Stille) / Dzivibas balsis (Stimmen des Lebens) / Sirdsapzinas balsis (Stimme des Gewissens)

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Cantabile per archi / Botschaft / Musica Dolorosa / Symphonie 'Stimmen'
Playing time:
64 ′26 ′′

Technical Details

Product number:
WER 62202
0,11 kg

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Peteris Vasks


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